Wednesday 13 June 2012

Heart Shaped Jammy-Dodgers

I was feeling rather creative, so dug around for some pastry cutters. I found a heart shaped cutter and proceeded to bake Jammy-Dodgers. Very simple, but require a little patience.

Makes 10-20

175g Plain Flour
125g Butter
50g Light Muscavado Sugar
2tsp ground ginger
Raspberry Jam

Preheat oven to 180'C/360'F/Gas Mark 4

Place flour and butter into a large bowl and rub till breadcrumbs.
Add the sugar and ginger and mix till sticky.
Tip the dough onto a floured surface and knead into a smooth ball. Place into the fridge for 10 mins (why not wash up while you wait).
Using a rolling pin, roll the dough out onto a floured surface ( approx 5mm).
Use your cutter, leave half of them full, but on the other half use a sharp knife and your artistic flare to cute a hole (like photograph above).
Put them onto a lined baking tray and Bake for 20 mins, till golden.
Leave to cool, spread a little jam in the center of the 'full' biscuit and stick the 'holey' biscuit on top. 
Leave to set for a few minutes then EAT!

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